There have been many theories over the years as to what Psychic Energy is, and where it comes from, let alone how it can do the things it can do. I personally am not 100% sure as to what Psychic Energy is, I can only speculate as to what I’ve experienced and compare it to what I’ve learned.
By definition, Psychic, or Psyche defines the Mind, and Energy is defined by ability to do work, or exert effort. In other words its fuel for a task. So, to sum it up, it’s the Mental Ability to do Work. Though that kind of sounds like something you would do while solving math problems or something. People’s immediate opinion of Psychic Energy is often supernatural in view. They look at it as some extreme form of attunement with a hidden world of sorts that lies just beyond the physical senses ability to pick up on.
But is it?
I guess in the most stereotypical of senses it can be conveyed as such, but it’s not strictly so… From my understanding, psychic energy, like all other forms of Energy, is in the form of waves. You see, everything in the universe that exists consists of at least 2 things. Energy, and Vibrations. Now Vibrations are a form of wave, and they are Energy, but it’s how the energy vibrates which gives it form and texture. If you will, try and picture an object near you, and try to understand it as energy. Now, the next step would seem to try and understand that this energy is Vibrating, but I would rather you stay on the energy for now.
Picture this object packed with information, sort of like each atom and molecule come together with information, and unite into let say, a coffee cup, or what ever your looking at. It’s holds together tightly with each other, effectively creating 1 item. It’s holds this information sternly, and as it does so, it begins to “Hum”. Basically Vibrating, but I figured Humming would better convey what I mean. This humming is a representation of the energy united and the information it contains, working to sustain the item.
The whole world works like this, it’s pretty much been proven. Anyways, people work like this too. We give off mental energy in the form of waves every time we have a thought. This thought radiates outwards with information. So in essence, Psychic Energy is just either a directed form of these waves, or, someone who is sensitive enough to receive them.
Now, if you where to imagine two people in a room watching tv. We’ll call them person A and person B. Neither of them are speaking, but person A has a thought, he noticed he’s hungry, and starts thinking about ordering a pizza. But before person A suggests the idea, or gets up for the phone, person B says he’s starting to get hungry, and offers to order a pizza. An average day consists of small things like this all the time, you’ve probably had something like this happen to you as well. People often pass it off without consideration and say something like “That’s what I was thinking too” then they get up, order and pizza and go on with their day.
But, if you break it down to something underneath the surface, underneath what the 5 senses can pick up, what might have happened was. Person A’s thought was sent out in a wave and person B picked it up, or received it. This phenomena is known more commonly as telepathy, and it happens all the time. But, people think differently then others. We each think in sort of a coded format specific to us and us alone. We have our own way of formulating information into a thought, which is distinctive to ourselves like a fingerprint. But, in the example above, person A and B where friends. Over a period of time, they subconsciously got used to each others thought patterns to the point where one can send and the other receive, and accurately translate the others into something understandable for the receiver.
Some people out there are naturally lucid when it comes to translation, and are able to accurately pick up on what people are thinking, based on the vibrations received and a lucid form of translation on their part. But, anyone can learn to send out more directed waves of energy, or learn to become more sensitive with some practice and training…
Anyways, I think that kind of covers what I think Psychic Energy is… I hope it helped some…
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