Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Psychic Abilities

Psychic Powers

This is mostly a continuation of my previous post on Psychic Phenomena. But I figured I would try to add a more extensive list of psychic abilities, with a brief description.  When it comes to human potential, the possibilities could very well be endless, and the list below may only be the beginning.


As mentioned in my previous post, ESP (Extrasensory Perception) is an umbrella term describing how one with this ability is able to pick up on additional information beyond the average reach of the traditional five human senses. There are many abilities under this category that I at least attribute to ESP.

Telepathy - The ability to pick up on and/or attune oneself to another persons mind and have access to ‘varying degrees’ of another persons thoughts. I stress varying degrees because it’s not like in the movies where you can hear someone else’s thoughts as if they where verbally speaking them. Some are able to perform this ability to a greater extent then others. My own experience of this is more like very strong impressions on what they are thinking, including sometimes pictures and ideas. Telepathy is not something I’m strong with though.

Empathy - The ability to pick up on and/or attune oneself to another persons emotional state, having access to, again ‘varying degrees’ of another persons emotions. Many people experience empathy on a daily basis. One such example would be, if you’ve ever come home to a loved one, who showed no signs of being in an ill mood, but you could feel it, as if you just knew.  An Empath picks up on another’s emotions. It often impacts their own subconsciously, changing their emotional state to more of the one their picking up on.

Precognition - Known for it’s premonitions, is the ability to see into the future. Precognition is the name of the ability, and Premonitions are the associated name for when one gets a vision of the future. In other words, if one has the ability of precognition, then a vision of the future would be the premonition. Most often coming in the form of dreams, they are often depictions of a coming, future event. Though one can have them when awake, it is less often though.

Retrocognition - Also know as Postcognition, is a lesser known ability related to Precognition, but with a twist, it sees visions of the past.

Clairvoyance - Able to see beyond that which is the normal range of sight. Related to Remote Viewing, has the ability to see and pick up on information about a specific location, person or object. Clairvoyance, like Remote Viewing is something most often done while one is awake, and actively tries to direct ones mind and sight, to a specific location, person or object. But, is not strictly so. Some are able to perform this psychic feat without conscious intent to do so, and will gain information from sight spontaneously.

Clairaudience - Like Clairvoyance, but in this way gain information through sound and hearing. Able to hear outside or beyond that which is the normal range of hearing.

Clairsentience - Like Clairaudience, but in this way gains information through touch and feeling. This psychic ability is featured in the show “The Dead Zone”.  Clairsentience also goes by the name of Psychometry.

Psychic Reading - There are many types of psychic reading, a popular method would be the Tarot Card readings. But, a psychic readings main purpose is to try and divine the future of the individual who is interested in the reading. The Psychic will use one of many different methods in which to obtain the information in question. As mentioned above, Tarot Card Readings are very common, Horoscopes are probably the most common, Astrology, Numerology and even Aura readings are widely used as well.

Psychic Medium - Also known as Mediumship and Channeling, is the ability to communicate with the dead. Often acting as a conduit of sort, or a “middle-man” for the dead and the living. In other words, Psychic Mediums take to the living on behalf of the dead. Often for those interested in contacting a loved-one who has passed on.

If you’ve noticed, the above deal with ESP, and the abilities seem to revolve around receiving information. Those with ESP (which I believe us all to have) are more sensitive to the hidden world around us. Psychic abilities seem to be about “Taking in” this otherwise unobtainable information. When you compare it to five senses, which are Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Touching and Smelling, they all deal with taking in. But, there are other Psychic Abilities that do the opposite…


Psychokinesis, related to Telekinesis by scientific terms, has become an umbrella term in the Psionic Community. Since there are so many of these for smaller, individual aspects of psychokinesis, I will keep the description short.

Telekinesis - The ability to move objects at a distance. There is Micro-Telekinesis, the ability to affect change on a small scale undetectable by the human eye, often on Random Number Generators.  And then there is Macro-Telekinesis, which is the ability to affect change in larger scale like objects which are noticeable by the human eye.

Aerokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Air.

Atmokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Atmosphere.

Biokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Biological Systems.

Chronokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Time.

Cryokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Ice.

Electrokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Electricity.

Geokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Earth.

Hydrokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Water.

Lumokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Light.

Pyrokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Fire.

Telekinesis - The psychic ability to affect and move Objects.

Thermokinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Temperature.

Umbrakinesis - The psychic ability to affect and control Darkness.

Vitakinesis - The psychic ability to promote Healing.

Phew, what a list. I won’t endorse all of these, because, seriously, some sound ridiculous. I think that’s sort of why psionics adopted Psychokinesis as a umbrella term for all these. I also want to state, that these aren’t individual disciplines, but more like titles for aspects of the same ability. So in each one of these you would be performing Psychokinesis, but if you where using it to play with fire, it would be Pyrokinesis, so others would understand in which manner you are using it.

Sorry for using the same words over and over, I’m kind of getting a headache, so I wanted to just quickly write it down (Quick! Get me some Vitakinesis! Sounds almost like a medicine).

Anyways, there’s a bigger list for you. All of these you can learn if you wish to. There are other abilities out there, but I think this list is large enough as it is...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Psychic Phenomena

What are some forms of Psychic Phenomena?

There are many forms of psychic phenomena in the world, as there are many Psychic Abilities. These phenomena have intrigued us all since the very beginning. One of the reasons is as to why it is so popular is, because they keep happening. As well as, they happen to everyone, at least once. I wager though, that most people have a psychic experience everyday, but sometimes it goes unnoticed. People are genuinely intrigued by the mysterious powers of the mind and what potential psychic abilities they might hold, and not know. Some may even fear having a psychic ability that they will never know about or get to experience.

What intrigues me though, isn’t that the mind can do some of these things, but that it can do all of these things. How much of the mind, of our psychic potential, have we not unearthed yet, for our subconscious to keep throwing us these curveballs. If we look at all the mystical abilities the mind seems to hold, you would find the list runs on for a very long time. And yet, in the end, it can be chalked up to a 3 pound lump of wrinkly mass buried in bone. Yet for something that you can hold in your hand, it can do so many thing…

Extrasensory Perception

Extrasensory Perception is the ability to look past what is perceivable by the five normal senses to gather information about something that is often not readily available to you. This phenomena is has gained special attention over the years because of how common it is. A good example of what I’m talking about would be, if you could picture a guy holding a card in his hand of a picture, and a second guy trying to figure out what that picture is while sitting across from him, and the picture is out of view. It is a classic representation of psychic phenomena and is often used by magicians. But it does well to illustrate what I’m talking about. In the scenario above, the second guy is trying to use ESP to gain information about the card.

In the most simplest terms, it’s a prediction. But ESP is far from simple. In fact it can be used for a wider variety of psychic phenomena, such as telepathy.


Telepathy is the ability to read peoples minds. Though, I should note that telepathy in real life is not as clean as Hollywood suggests. You can just hear what people are thinking so clearly it would be no different then if they where talking. But, ESP plays a part here too. You would apply this Extrasensory Perception to the mind of another in order to pick up on what he/she is thinking. Or more accurately, pulling information to getting a better feel or idea of what their thinking.


Clairvoyance has many similarities with telepathy, except here you see pictures instead of thoughts. An example of clairvoyance would be if you had a vision of sort of your friend getting pulled over by the cops, only to find out later, that he did. With it you can see events happening that are likely further away then what your 5 senses can pick up. It could even by called remote viewing.


Precognition is the ability to see into the future. Here you would use Extrasensory Perception to divine information of things to happen in the future. Many predictions have been made because of Precognition, and today we are looking to Nostradamus’s predictions for the end of the world of sorts described by his writings that we now associate with 2012. But, nevertheless, people use this one fairly often. Especially in business, they try and predict how their business will move and change in the future, among other things.

Psychic Medium

A Psychic Medium or Mediumship (According to Wikipedia) is the ability to communicate with spirits or ghosts. This is obviously not a very common phenomena, but is likely one of the most popular forms of psychic phenomena as many associate psychics with one of a few things, one being, talking with spirits. Many believe a medium is sensitive enough to pick up what a nearby ghost or spirit is saying, and in a session often acts as the middleman or “Medium” (hence the term) for the living and the dead.

Now that Psychic Medium has been brought up, I wanted to share a little story with you about a group of people in the 1970’s known as the Owen Group.

This group of 8 people set out to test if poltergeist phenomena was real or not. Believing that at least some of the phenomena reported was actually a product of victim’s mind. The first created a fictional character by the name of Philip Aylesford, and gave him a complete background and biography. They just about covered every detail including what he looked like.

For a solid year they got together and meditated on him, trying to hone his detail and refine him even more. They where hoping that with his character so complete, they could make contact with him and prove that not all ghost or poltergeist activity was purely spiritual. After that year, they had no luck, and tried something more direct, as they attempted a séance. Sure enough, they began to get a response. There where wrappings on the wall and the table they where at would slide across the room, and Philip would respond to the questions they asked. They even asked detailed questions about his life and he was answer correctly. And yes, he claimed to be Philip.

There is actually footage of it, but I couldn’t find it. But nevertheless, it is food for thought. Could we really dream up a ghost and make it so real that it can move tables and knock on walls? It makes you wonder what psychic powers the mind really holds, doesn’t it?

Anyways, I hope this was interesting for you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Psychic Energy

What is Psychic Energy?

There have been many theories over the years as to what Psychic Energy is, and where it comes from, let alone how it can do the things it can do. I personally am not 100% sure as to what Psychic Energy is, I can only speculate as to what I’ve experienced and compare it to what I’ve learned.

By definition, Psychic, or Psyche defines the Mind, and Energy is defined by ability to do work, or exert effort. In other words its fuel for a task. So, to sum it up, it’s the Mental Ability to do Work. Though that kind of sounds like something you would do while solving math problems or something. People’s immediate opinion of Psychic Energy is often supernatural in view. They look at it as some extreme form of attunement with a hidden world of sorts that lies just beyond the physical senses ability to pick up on.

But is it?

I guess in the most stereotypical of senses it can be conveyed as such, but it’s not strictly so… From my understanding, psychic energy, like all other forms of Energy, is in the form of waves. You see, everything in the universe that exists consists of at least 2 things. Energy, and Vibrations. Now Vibrations are a form of wave, and they are Energy, but it’s how the energy vibrates which gives it form and texture. If you will, try and picture an object near you, and try to understand it as energy. Now, the next step would seem to try and understand that this energy is Vibrating, but I would rather you stay on the energy for now.

Picture this object packed with information, sort of like each atom and molecule come together with information, and unite into let say, a coffee cup, or what ever your looking at. It’s holds together tightly with each other, effectively creating 1 item. It’s holds this information sternly, and as it does so, it begins to “Hum”. Basically Vibrating, but I figured Humming would better convey what I mean. This humming is a representation of the energy united and the information it contains, working to sustain the item.

The whole world works like this, it’s pretty much been proven. Anyways, people work like this too. We give off mental energy in the form of waves every time we have a thought. This thought radiates outwards with information. So in essence, Psychic Energy is just either a directed form of these waves, or, someone who is sensitive enough to receive them.

Now, if you where to imagine two people in a room watching tv. We’ll call them person A and person B. Neither of them are speaking, but person A has a thought, he noticed he’s hungry, and starts thinking about ordering a pizza. But before person A suggests the idea, or gets up for the phone, person B says he’s starting to get hungry, and offers to order a pizza. An average day consists of small things like this all the time, you’ve probably had something like this happen to you as well. People often pass it off without consideration and say something like “That’s what I was thinking too” then they get up, order and pizza and go on with their day.

But, if you break it down to something underneath the surface, underneath what the 5 senses can pick up, what might have happened was. Person A’s thought was sent out in a wave and person B picked it up, or received it. This phenomena is known more commonly as telepathy, and it happens all the time. But, people think differently then others. We each think in sort of a coded format specific to us and us alone. We have our own way of formulating information into a thought, which is distinctive to ourselves like a fingerprint. But, in the example above, person A and B where friends. Over a period of time, they subconsciously got used to each others thought patterns to the point where one can send and the other receive, and accurately translate the others into something understandable for the receiver.

Some people out there are naturally lucid when it comes to translation, and are able to accurately pick up on what people are thinking, based on the vibrations received and a lucid form of translation on their part. But, anyone can learn to send out more directed waves of energy, or learn to become more sensitive with some practice and training…

Anyways, I think that kind of covers what I think Psychic Energy is… I hope it helped some…

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Famous Psychics in History

A List of World Famous Psychics

This is a short list of some of the more famous and renowned psychics from our history, to modern day.  It is by no means a complete list, but more so serves as a highlight with the name, and a short description.  I recommend to all who read this to do their own research.  It’s very important when dealing with a controversial subject such as Psychics to do some research yourself.  Besides, it’s more fun to actually see some of these psychics perform, or better yet, have your own psychic experience!

Lydia Clar

A psychic since childhood, Lydia Clar was an avid believer that each of us which had such a gift should develop the skill and use it to help others. She inspired many psychics to delve into their abilities more, most notably, John Edwards, from the famous medium show, "Crossing Over". Lydia practiced many arts in the psychic field, including, Tarot readings, Numerology, Yoga and Psychometry.

Micki Dahne

Likely one the most famous psychics, Micki Dahne has been featured on numerous television shows, magazines and articles. Micki’s mother, was a psychic herself, which gave Micki a rare opportunity to grow up in an unrestricting environment, allowing her psychic abilities to flourish. She also apparently gives psychic readings to some famous people, but unfortunately, she wont say who they are.

Allison Dubois

Allison Dubios is an author and medium, having helped law enforcement in several cases all over America. She prefers the term medium over psychic because psychic is viewed negatively by many, (unfortunately). She first realized her medium abilities at the age of 6. Later in her life, she wrote a book titled “Don’t Kiss Them Good-bye”, which from it, spun a television series called “Medium”, ironically enough.

Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann, like Allison, prefers a different term over psychic, such as “Consciousness Researcher”. He is likely best known for his remote viewing skills, as well as the one who developed the most refined process used for remote viewing. Having done several experiments with Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ. Unfortunately, the findings within the experiment are highly controversial.  Despite the controversy, both Targ and Puthoff expressed their belief that Ingo Swann had a genuine psychic ability

Derek Acorah

A famous English medium, best known for his work on the television series “Most Haunted”, though his television work is not limited to just that. He has had several shows in which he’s hosted, such as “Psychic LiveTime”, “The Psychic Zone” and “Predictions with Derek Acorah”. Also an author of several books as well. Derek has met his share of controversy over his abilities, even at one point where he was caught faking. But he is still revered by many.

Sylvia Browne

Is an author, who’s subject matter specifically retains to psychics, mediums and spirituality. She is likely the most controversial psychic around, next to Geller. She has been featured on many television shows for her supposed abilities. I will openly admit, I don’t believe her psychic abilities are genuine, but nevertheless she is known as one, so she fit’s the subject matter of this post. She has even opened a church called ‘Novus Spiritus’. She has also been convicted of charges for Investment Freud, and Grand theft. Wow, no wonder Ingo and Allison don’t like the term Psychic…

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce is an American psychic, who channels answers from beyond. Many even believe he is the founder of the “New Age Movement”, even though he was a devout Christian. Hundreds of books have been written on him since his passing, and some even consider him to be a prophet of sorts. He also has had his share of skeptics taking their shot at him, as they so love to do… He is related closely to Atlantis and his readings about it.

John Edward

John Edward is an American Psychic medium and easily one of the most famous psychics in the world.  Most people know him by his show, ‘Crossing over with John Edward’ in which he features his talent for communicating on behalf of the dead.  Interestingly enough, it was another psychic by the name of Lydia Clar that told him when he was younger, that he would be a world famous psychic.  I admit, I did not believe John Edward to be a genuine psychic for a long time.  That has now changed, since I looked into him and his ability a bit more.  As like many of the others, John has met his share of skepticism, and criticism, as well as blatant attacks against his character.

Uri Geller

Most people have heard of the Israeli British psychic, Uri Geller, as like many, he has been around on several television shows, magazines and articles. Most known for his psychokinetic ability to bend spoons with the power of his mind, he is also known for dowsing and telepathy. He has met his fair share of skepticism though, I personally am not sure. I have seen evidence where he could have faked it, as well as footage that seemed genuine. Geller swept over the world and is likely one of the most famous, much of which though, can be credited to the controversy over his abilities.

Nina Kulagina

Nina Kulagina is personally my favorite. Not only do I believe her to be genuine, but I also believe she is one of the very few in which has yet to be successfully debunked. She is most known for her psychokinetic, or telekinetic ability to move small objects. Unlike most of the above, Nina has gone through scrutinous testing and experiments to determine whether or not she was the real deal. To this day, they have not been able to figure out how she was able to do the things she did. Some of the things she did besides move small objects, was, start or stop the beating of a frogs heart, separate the yoke from an egg, and effect the heart rate of a living person, all without physical contact from a short distance.


Likely the most famous psychic of all time. Nostradamus was a French apothecary, and renowned seer. Famous for his many predictions, and most of all, the end of days. The wording in his predictions where vague and roundabout, giving details in a colorful, even story telling manner. Today, because of that, his prophecies are looked at with doubt. Because of the obscurity of the prophecies, it leaves room for interpretation, which was a style oracles used to use. Though, beyond that, Nostradamus is still highly revered to this day for his prophecies. There is even a show on the History Channel called, “The Nostradamus Effect”, in which they explore the meaning to his prophecies and if/how they tie to the modern day.

The last here is for Humor purposes only

James Randi

Anyone who deals with anything outside of our of societies norm, has likely heard of the stage magician turned paranormal debunker, James Randi. Known as the hardest skeptic in the world, he thrives on tearing apart the fakes and exposing them to the world. But James has another life, one secreted away, hidden behind the skeptics smile, and headstrong debunking. He is in fact….

The most powerful psychic in the World!

Able to look into your very soul with a single glance. He can find your deepest fears and feed them to you! Attempted to debunk Geller, only because he was weak by comparison, Randi can actually bend 40 spoons! With a single thought!  He even knows what your thinking, before you do! He’s that good….

So, if you see him in a dark alley, late at night, run the other way, and hope he doesn’t take control of your mind and make you dance naked in the streets… while throwing poop at people…

You’ve been warned….