Everyone is Psychic, to some degree. At least that’s my opinion, you may differ. It’s pretty common for everyone at some point in their lives to predict something, then later watch it come true. It can definitely peak one‘s curiosity as to how in-fact they knew that was going to happen. They may sit on it a while, even playfully bring up the possibility that they are psychic, but then usually they pass it off as an accident or coincidence, and move along. On the other hand, sometimes they don’t, and the search for answers begins. It’s not quite as simple as either A, or B, but usually it does come down to whether or not someone is willing to look at it a little more and acknowledge it, or dismiss it.
Coincidence often comes to mind when someone says Prediction. But how many times can something happen when you ’Predicted’ it, before it leaves the realm of coincidence and branches into something more? I was watching a show last night, it was called Psychic Search. It seemed the show was about putting psychics to the test by placing them in an environment in which skepticism was dominant, but allowing the psychic a chance to prove him/her self. Even I kept a healthy dose of skepticism, as I am aware that some shows are faked for ratings.
Though of course, as you can guess, the psychic passed, and managed to turn the skeptics into believers, or at least helped lean them towards the idea and possibility. What I found that I specifically liked about it though, is it wasn’t like a lab test. They gave him a case, and to my knowledge, he wasn’t informed before hand, then let him do his psychic thing. The people that were around him didn’t tell him anything, and often seemed reserved about the details he uncovered, even if he hit the mark. Only later would they admit it, after they left the area.
The reason I bring that up is, people often don’t give their psychic abilities room to breathe, and make errors. The scrutiny of a lab tests creates a stressful environment, it would almost feel like sitting in an interrogation room. Besides, the one’s running the test will read the results differently depending on their opinion of the subject. In essence, people see what they want to see. If you have a believer looking at some results, and they notice a spike, they will see evidence there. While if a skeptic views it, and sees the same spike, but around it, the lines are more subtle and even flat in some places, they will see an anomaly.
Unless the spike could be reproduced over and over again repeatedly, that specific result is inconclusive. Which is how tests work. The result must be able to be reproduced on command in order for it to be taken as fact.
With that in mind, most people do at some point in their lives, give “Psychic Powers” a quick heave-hoe, or one-two punch, trying to predict something on command. They often fail, and shortly after stop believing, because it wasn’t something they could just have and be done with it. But did you ever stop and take notice, that when you foresaw a phone call, or saw a friend arriving before they actually did. Or finished someone’s sentence before they did, because you just knew what they where going to say, or could have sworn you heard your name called when there was no one around to call it. You ever notice that these things happen, when you aren‘t trying?
The act of trying can actually get in the way. It has a lot to do with the differences between the conscious, waking mind, and the unconscious, hidden mind. The unconscious mind mostly focuses on storing memories and experiences, and creating patterns and habits out of these experiences, as well as our thoughts and perceptions. The conscious mind is a bit more adventurous and thinks more abstractly, dealing with what-if scenarios in either past or future tense. The problem arises when we simultaneously try to connect with our psychic abilities and the energy around us, then control it in the next moment. I will try and go into this a bit more later on.
So, everyone is psychic. And the first thing that needs to be squashed is that any kind of Psychic Power, is supernatural. The fact is, it is natural, and there have been numerous psychics in history that support this. You got to admit, that even you had times where you wondered, how you just knew. You just got to give your psychic abilities a little bit more room to breathe, that’s all. Learn to open up to them first, then learn to harness them.